About Us
Nadu Madencilik Petrol İnş. Tur. Tic. A.Ş
We extract first quality perlite from our mining field in Çubuk district of Ankara, and perform pre-crushing and pre-screening in our facility established within the quarry located in our mine site. Crushed and screened product is sent to our factory 22 kilometers away from our quarry.

Our Mission
Our priorities include making environment friendly, clean and healthy production, by protecting our natural resources and using them in the most efficient way, and keeping customer satisfaction at the highest level.
Our Vision
To be the permanent leader in the sector and to have a say in the world market by sustaining our effectiveness in Turkey and the world market.

Our Group Companies
Teknomar Grup Madencilik İnş. Nak. Tur. İş. San. ve Dış. Tic. Ltd. Şti.
In our factory located 22 km away from our mining site next to Ankara International Airport, we carefully dry, process and prepare the perlite ore extracted from the quarry with our premium machines installed in our factory, with our young and innovative staff.

Nadu Madencilik Petrol
İnş. Tur. Tic. A.Ş
We extract first quality perlite from our mining field in Çubuk district of Ankara, and perform pre-crushing and pre-screening in our facility established within the quarry located in our mine site. Crushed and screened product is sent to our factory 22 kilometers away from our quarry.

Our Mission
Our priorities include making environment friendly, clean and healthy production, by protecting our natural resources and using them in the most efficient way, and keeping customer satisfaction at the highest level.

Our Vision
To be the permanent leader in the sector and to have a say in the world market by sustaining our effectiveness in Turkey and the world market.

Our Group Companies
Teknomar Grup Madencilik İnş. Nak. Tur. İş.
San. ve Dış. Tic. Ltd. Şti.
In our factory located 22 km away from our mining site next to Ankara International Airport, we carefully dry, process and prepare the perlite ore extracted from the quarry with our premium machines installed in our factory, with our young and innovative staff.